Historical and contemporary romance written to sweep you into imaginary worlds full of sweet and satisfying stories where love always wins.
Lorin Grace was born in Colorado and has been moving around the country ever since, living in eight states and several imaginary worlds. She holds a degree in Graphic Design which comes in handy with creating book covers. Currently, she lives with her husband, children, and a dog who is insanely jealous of her laptop. When not writing, Lorin enjoys creating graphics, visiting historical sites, museums, painting furniture, and reading.
Waking Lucy was definitely one of the best books I’ve read this year. The build up of tension and mystery between Samuel and Lucy, kept me turning the pages, wanting to find out what would happen next.
I loved the characters and how they interacted with one another.
Y’all, I’m going to warn you now, this book kept me up late at night reading. I lost a lot of sleep! But it was totally worth it!!!